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06.10.2024   |  Development and support of Internet projects, Web sites, software…
Slavin - Internet Technologies company provides Web-applications development services on the basis of the clients' multiple requests.
We offer portal products originally designed upon customer's request.

Web-stores creation

Web-store is not an ordinary site. It is created, it works and develops due to its peculiar laws, which are different from others.

We offer you to make use of our experience of Web-stores development and maintenance: to find a new business direction, new ways of development and new distribution channels.

Web-store site is a site with detailed description of all goods and services of your company. This site enables users to order and pay for the goods and services on-line.
Web-store development is necessary for every distribution company which is eager to move to a new development level.
Web-stores creation (creation from scratch and for clearly defined goals) is our main profile.

Web-store cannot be universal as it is always a unique site, created to fulfill the requirements of a specific company. Creation of such a site is rather technologically difficult as it implies creation of huge multilevel catalogue, tools for goods selection and comparison, integration with different data bases, accounting systems and e-payment system, total security of the users data, possibility for information exporting to other web-portals (Yandex.Market) and many other functions.

Web-store enables you:
  • To widen customer base, improve work efficiency due to appearance of a new distribution channel which doesn't require extra expenses for support and maintenance. Costs of Web-store promotion via Internet advertising are lower than costs of offline advertising of a real store
  • To start you own business with a small start-up budget. It is easier to get leadership in the Internet than to compete long-exhisting companies at a real market
  • To enter markets in far away regions for direct selling as well as for search of partners and dealers
  • To provide your customer and partners with a 24 hours service, which is impossible in a real market
  • To keep in touch with customers, inform them about your campaigns and special offers
  • To get statistics of goods popularity, customers data, users behavior on the site, which is needed for further marketing planning

Goals achieved by Web-store usage
  • Internet advertising of the company
  • Derailed informing of the site users about every good or service of the company
  • Possibility of feedback receiving from the Web-store users
  • Possibility to order goods and services on-line at the site (with the help of Customer's bin)
  • Customers base maintenance and control of their orders at the site
  • Possibility of payment by credit cards and e-money at the site

Web-store extension
Everybody is used to classical architecture of Web-store or goods catalogue with Customer's bin, functions of which are limited to adding goods to the bin and generation of price quotes which are send to emails of customer and supplier.
An extended number of Web-store functions will improve work with clients and thus increase their adherence and amount of second sales.
What can be improved:
  • According to access level a regular purchaser can be offered an individual discount or an individual price
  • Keeping of orders record which enables repetition of previous orders and simplifies choice for regular purchasers
  • When working out the order, the services for the order tracking by the customer can be extended: for example by email, notification, sms. Possible informing statuses may be: received, approved, partly approved, out of stock, dispatched, closed, cancelled… In the process of order formation the customers will be able to choose only those stages that they need to control. Web-store convenience is one of the criteria of customer care
  • Possibility to provide customers with statistics, concerning total amount of spent money, most frequently ordered goods, total list of ordered goods, list of not supplied goods (which goods is more in demand, which client is more active…) and also automatic selection of customers who earned special offers due to statistics (amount of discount, special prices, etc.)
  • Balance data reporting

These are only several functions which we can actualize in the process of Web-site creation.
For every project we individually select functions which will simplify the Web-store work for both customer and vendor.

  • User profiles
  • User notebook (to keep addresses for deliveries)
  • Orders records
  • Regular purchaser discount
  • Temporary (for unregistered users) and permanent (for registered users) customer's bin
  • Email notifications of users
  • Dynamical deliveries types
  • Choice of payment method
  • Discounts at purchasing
  • Accumulative discounts at purchasing
Goods catalogue
  • Special offers
  • New products
  • Sale
  • Recommended goods
  • Types of products (sizes, colours, packages)
  • Goods choice by characteristics
  • Associated goods to the chosen product
  • Recommended goods for the chosen product
  • Goods similar to the chosen one by price
  • You have viewed it
  • Products selection by price and name
  • Goods comparison
  • Previous price
  • Comments about the product
  • Producers
  • Products selection by producer
  • Printing version of a product
  • Category structure
  • Goods reviews by users
  • Bestsellers lists
  • What was purchased by other users (considering the shown product)
  • Possibility to limit number of goods
Search and navigation
  • Search in the catalogue by products, producers and other characteristics
  • General, additional and contextual referential navigation
  • Payment and delivery modules
  • Secure transactions with secure SSL usage
Marketing and pricing
  • Dynamic charges of taxes, rates, bids, discounts
  • Multy-currency system
Executive interface
  • Convenient interface
  • Adding / editing / deleting of categories, goods, producers, users and reviews
  • Adding, modification and deleting of goods with a possibility to use HTML tags
  • Possibility to download small and big pictures for every product
  • Possibility to define key words and other meta-tags for every product
  • Visual wysiwyg word-processor located in executive interface, not requiring special skills, and enabling to format description texts of goods and other pages, change fonts, their colours, insert links and pincutes, etc.
  • Possibility to set discounts for regular purchasers
  • Possibility to download a logo for every producer
  • Possibility to download a picture for every section
  • Simultaneous addition of a good to several sections. The product is shown in several sections, but is not doubled in data base as references from the sections where it belong lead to one and the same personal page of the product
  • Addition, editing and deleting by the administrator of extra pages (for example articles or other information)
  • Key words and other meta-tags for every additional page
  • Backup copy creation
  • User registration confirmation by the administrator
  • Messaging to the registered users
  • Goods and users statistics
  • Displayed goods statistics
  • Orders statistics
  • Ordered goods statistics
  • References and domains statistics
  • Issue-related news show
  • Subscription and news mailout
  • Calendar news selection
  • Automatic news download from the Internet
  • Issue-related articles show
  • Subscription and articles mailout
  • Calendar articles selection
  • Automatic articles download from the Internet
  • Issue-related campaigns show
  • Subscription and campaigns mailout
  • Calendar campaigns selection
Text sections
  • Short text sections description
  • Text sections images
Different functions
  • Text on the main page
  • Contact information is present at all the pages of the site
  • Advertising (text, banners, links)
  • Choice of place for advertisements
  • Selection of pages to place advertisements
  • Access distribution at the executive interface
  • Multy-language support
  • Changing images at the site head
  • Location map insertion from maps.google.com
On-line communication
  • Follow-up form
  • Back call
  • FAQ
  • Inquiries / Polls
We offer portal products originally designed upon customer's request and on the basis of MS-SQL and ASP.NET MVC (C# + EF/LINQ)
The products are designed for well-defined business tasks.