We constantly monitor information technologies development, so that you can be sure that your project will be done on the basis of the latest technologies.
Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 is the latest technology for web-application and web-services development. It is based on Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 and it employs all the opportunities of class library and execution environment. ASP.NET 4.0 helps to develop highly reliable internet-portals, which can be visited by thousands of visitors daily.
ASP.NET 4.0 usage advantages:
- Web-site reliability. Under the modern business conditions, when a several hours delay may cause severe losses and destroy the business reputation of a company, such characteristics of a Web-site as reliability and attacks resistance gain the greatest importance. ASP.NET technology has a hardware protection from many web-resources malwares: XSS, SQL Injection, DDoS, buffer trashing, hidden fields changes and many others. Web-applications based on ASP.NET technology are extremely resistant to different attacks and malwares.
- Site performance and operation speed. ASP.NET technology is built up so that all pages and programmed code are being compiled. For instance within PHP, the code is being interpreted that takes much more time. Usage of exterior software products (such as ASP Classic and PHP accelerator) doesn't result in the same efficiency of performance, especially when OOP concepts are actively used for web-system engineering. ASP.NET enables the site work on server cluster that ensures the web-site scalability at increasing click stream.
- Other IT systems and applications integration. ASP.NET is a part of Microsoft .NET CSF, that already includes lots of technologies for different applications and IT systems (such as web-services, WCF, WS, MSMQ, Remoting, JSON, XML and others) integration. Such a variety of solutions allows to choose for every case the best available technology that provides the best performance, security and scalability.
- High development speed. Web-applications creation on the basis of ASP.NET is provided by usage of Microsoft Visual Studio, which is one of the best tools for development. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 accelerates and simplifies web-applications creation ad is uses an advanced web-applications designer, large set of standard and business control elements and ASP.NET AJAX support. Embedded unit test pushes up reliability and security of the applications. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and an embedded support of the latest technologies: AJAX, Silverlight, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communications Foundation и Windows Workflow Foundation.
Main modifications of ASP.NET 4.0:
- New server-based control elements, types and libraries of client scripts, which (if used all together) help to develop web-applications with AJAX support
- Extended usage of authentication validation services based on forms from the server side, management of roles and profile services acting as web-services, which can be used by web-applications
- New data control element – ListView, which keeps data and provides totally adjusted user interface
- New control element LinqDataSource, which provides LINQ by architecture of ASP.NET data source control elements
- New meshing tool, which accomplishes uniting of precompiled linkages to support flexible management of unsquashing and versions
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is a new version of Data Base Management System (DBMS) Microsoft SQL Server, which provides ample opportunities to keep, manage and analyse large amounts of information. SQL Server 2008 is a reliable a high capable platform for extreme business applications aimed at broad scope of functions extension within different business spheres, including web-business and e-commerce.
SQL Server 2008 usage advantages:
- Absolute web-focus. SQL Server 2008 helps to fulfill requests, analysis and data management via web-applications. For data exchange between remote systems the XML language is used. This DBMS provides simple and secure access to the data via web-browsers, quick search for the necessary documents, analysis of data stream and necessary information acquirement about web-systems users.
- Scalability and reliability. SQL Server 2008 provides ample opportunities for increase of data storage amounts, by increase of reliability and scalability of the system and usage of all the advantages of data multiprocessing. This is a reliable and secure platform, which protects information in web-applications and raises its availability. Optimized platform SQL Server 2008 helps to predict request processing capacity.
- Time for ready-made solutions creation. SQL Server 2008 in combination with .NET Framework provides ample opportunities for web-systems creation, increases speed of development, implementation, launch to the market of modern web-applications, reduced time for data search, simplifies management, enables to use in other web-systems the functions, created by the used.
Main modifications of SQL Server 2008:
- Language Integrated Query supports. Embedded LINQ requests enable developers to use data from programmes with managed languages like C# or VB.NET instead for SQL-requests usage. LINQ usage made possible embedded highly type safe requests focused on data sets, written on .NET-languages and aimed for ADO.Net (LINQ to SQL), ADO.Net DataSet (LINQ to DataSets), ADO.NET Entity Framework (LINQ to Entities), and also for provider Entity Data Service Mapping. SQL Server 2008 includes new provider LINQ to SQL, which enabled the developers to use LINQ aiming for tables and margins of SQL Server 2008.
- Audit. SQL Server 2008 enables users to create parameters for audit of the undergoing processes and manage them by DDL-statements (Data Definition Language).
- Automatic reconstruction of data pages. SQL Server 2008 can help main and mirror computers to restore their working capacity clearly for users and web-applications, by requesting a new version of suspicious page from their mirroring partner.
- Journal data stream compaction. SQL Server 2008 provides compaction of outgoing data flow for journals, by optimizing capacity and reducing network loading capacity, which is connected with data base mirroring.
- "Hot" processor instalment. "Hot" instalment possibility of processors and memory, if necessary helps to adjust dynamically to scale the data bases by extending processor resources SQL Server 2008 at supported hardware platform without any dead-time of web-systems.
- Non-relational data support. SQL Server 2008 I is based on large experience of non-relational data support and contains its new types, which help developers and administrators to keep and manage efficiently non-structured information, like documents and images. Moreover, it contains geographical data support. Except for new data types, SQL Server 2008 includes a larger set of services, which enable work with this data and provide reliability, security and controllability of the platform. Also SQL Server 2008 includes new data types for date and time determination, modified simulation of tree-like structures, data type FILESTREAM aimed at storage of large amounts of binary data within file-control system NTFS, full-text search of textual and relational data.
- Improved data storage. Data and back-up copies are crunched, multiple access to partitioned tables is improved, query performance is improved within the most standard scripts of work with data bases. Due to regularities clarification in the data base, Star Join optimizing reduces time of responses to queries.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) – is a markup language, recommended by World Wide Web Consortium, and including a set of general syntactical rules. XML is a text format, aimed at storage of structured data (instead of existing files of data bases), information exchange between programmes and for creation on its basis more specialized markup languages (for example XHTML), which are called sometimes "dictionaries". XML is a simplified sublanguage of SGML.
XML is a nexus, which enables cooperation of different systems. It helps to standardize business processes and transactions of different companies. Moreover, many software tasks require integrating applications: web-applications plug-in many web-services, e-commerce sites – registers of warehouse inventories and pricing patterns; whereas Intranet-applications plug-in operating business applications. They all are interrelating due to XML-documents exchange.
XML usage advantages:
- Adaptability. Many companies use XML to keep data or plan to do so. Any time when it becomes necessary to divide one and the same data among applications, XML turns to be the first one to be considered.
- Expansibility and flexibility. XML doesn't constrain the data semantics and doesn't bind the companies by its own networks, in comparison with EDL (Electronic Data Interchange). As a result, XML suites any data type and its operational cost is cheaper.
- Standardization and tools. XML provides wide range of tools such as parsers, companion standards (like XML Schema, XPath and XSLT), which help to create and process XML-documents. Majority of programming languages include ready-made components for XML reading, examination of its corresponding to the set of rules, search in XML and also conversion one XML format into another one.
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is an approach to creation of interactive user interfaces of web-applications, which means “background” exchange of browser data with server. As a result, when data is updated, the web-page is only partly reloaded and web-applications turn to be more quick and convenient in operation. AJAX is a concept of several related technologies simultaneous usage.
AJAX is based on two main principles:
- Technology usage of dynamic appealing to server, without total reloading of the page, for example XMLHttpRequest can be used (main method), via dynamic creation of affiliated frames or via tag dynamic creation
- DHTML usage for dynamic modification of the page contents
XML is usually used as a format of data transfer.
AJAX usage advantages:
- Traffic saving. AJAX usage helps to reduce traffic significantly in the process of work with a web-application, due to the fact that instead of the whole page, only a small modified part should be loaded.
- Server unburdening. AJAX enabler server unburdening as the server has only to make changes in the data base and send a notification of successful operation fulfilment to the client script. The server doesn't need to create the page one more time and transfer it to the client.
- Interface reacting acceleration. As only the modified part is to be loaded, users will be able to view result of their operations much sooner.
SSI (Server Side Include) are controls embedded into HTML-code and serving for direction transfer to the web-server. Facing such control, web-server interprets them and fulfills the corresponding operations. SSI is to be used when it is necessary to support a rather large site, with peculiar structure and repeating elements at all the pages. When server connections are used, web-site in considered to include several blocks, everyone of which is responsible for its part of the page.
SSI usage advantages:
- Simple support of large web-sites including big amount of pages. Such a support becomes possible due to blocks, which stay invariable and are constantly repeated at pages.
- Possibility to change site design instantly. SSI usage doesn't require correction of pages which include site informational contents as the design can be changed only y modification of SSI-insertions which shape the site.
- Simple support of the pages contents. When SSI-elements are used, complex layout elements are concealed, so the design cannot be spoiled.
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is an organization with develops and implements technological standards for the Internet. Single principles and standards provide compatibility of software and equipment of different companies, and thus make the Internet more perfect, universal and convenient network.
W3C XHTML 1.1 (World Wide Web Consortium XHTML 1.1) is a standard for correct usage of extensible language for hypertext mark-up and web-systems development.
W3C XHTML 1.1 usage advantages:
- Identical reflection of the web-site at all the browsers
- Web-applications can be installed and operate at equipment with limited resources (smart phones, mobile phones) due to strict XML syntax
- Possibility to apply different technologies developed for XML, for example XSLT and XPath
- Quick an simple XHTML 1.1 code analysis, in comparison with HTML, helps to reduce time needed for development
Dynamic HTML is a set of technologies which work at the client side and are aimed to overcome static nature of traditional web-pages. These technologies provide dynamic shaping of a web-page in the process of loading and its dynamic change in response to user's actions.
DHTML usage advantages:
- Increase of Internet-representation competitiveness. DHTML helps to add to the web-site dynamically changeable colors, animation, pull downs and other usual elements of user interface of applications. This attracts a web-site visitor much more that ordinary pages.
- Simple maintenance. DHTML helps to include standard elements of web-site pages shaping to some style sheets and scripts and later install them to all the pages. This simplifies maintenance and minimizes possibility of errors and mistakes.
- Traffic reduction. One of the main characteristics of DHTML is that it transfers the main capacity load, which is connected with web-page shaping, from server to client. As a result, dynamic pages are loaded and reflected much quicker than static ones.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a technology of the document appearance description. It determines the set reflection of HTML-pages. CSS is used for work with colours, fonts, margins, images size, elements placement, etc.
CSS usage advantages:
- Control of many pages display, by usage only one style sheet
- More correct control of document appearance
- Different representations for different types of information reflection (screen display, printing)
- Professional and precise design technology